Celebrating 100 Years of Singing

The Edvard Grieg is a celebration of song and heritage. It has become a brotherhood.
— Paul Larson

Men love to sing! As a testament to that, the Edvard Grieg Chorus is entering its one-hundredth year. The chorus, organized in 1925, was originally one of six Scandinavian male choruses in Wisconsin but is now the only one that lives on.

Music, it is said, is the food of love. That may be so, but it is also the nourishment of happiness. When one is out of sorts, there is nothing like the first chords sounded in an evening of rehearsal, or the performance before an appreciative audience to completely cleanse the spirit of all bad feeling. Music heals. It always has.
— Steve Fourtney

Our Next Performances!

May 18—11:30AM at Stoughton Opera House

May 19—10:30AM at Christ Lutheran Church, Stoughton

November 9—11:30AM at Christ Lutheran Church Lutefisk Dinner, Deforest WI

October 15—7:00PM at Oakwood East

Over the years I enjoyed attending Grieg Chorus performances. Out of the blue, one of the singers invited me to join, he eased my concerns in a way that left me with only one choice—to join. And it’s been a dream come true, like coming home to place I hadn’t known – good people, good music, good fun. Joining Grieg Chorus has been a wonderful journey!
— Richard Moen
Becoming a member of The Grieg Chorus was motivated by my Norwegian heritage, my love of music and singing, and a promise to a former singer. It has been a joy to sing with many wonderful men for 40 years, and I have realized that “if you’re too busy to sing, you’re too busy!
— Jon Grinde